The Sarawak state of Malaysia is situated on the north west of the Borneo Island and in addition to that, Sarawak is known as the largest state in the whole of Malaysia with a land area of 124450 square kilometer. Within the vast land area, there are a total of 28 different ethnic groups with a total population count of 2176800 people. For the majority of the populations in Sarawak, the main ethnic groups is known as the Ibans and aside from the Ibans, the Chinese, the Bidayuh, the Melanau and the Malays are also considered as the majority of the ethnic group here in Sarawak.
In certain sense, both the Sarawak state and the Sabah state are quite similar in many ways. One of the similarities is that both the Sarawak and the Sabah state are rich in various natural resources. So eventually, golf tourism became one of the major tourist attractions in the Sarawak state and golf hotels and resorts became very popular with Malalysia golf holiday visitors. Aside from golf in Sarawak, the wide and well diverse cultures of the local ethnic groups within the Sarawak state also act as one of the major tourist attractions.
Sarawak Hotels and Resorts Recommended for your Malaysia Golf Holiday